Finally, I have an Ipad!
I already had an Iphone, but this Ipad, I am just loving it! Of course, being a teacher, I can barely contain myself with all the appsolutely amazing ways I can use this Ipad in my class! Here are a few resources I have found!
65+ Ipad Apps Perfect for Elementary Schools/ Edudemic
Quick List: Ipad Resources for the Classroom / TeachHub
APPitic - a collection of 1300 + apps for education/ Apptic
Ipad Apps for Teachers / Cool Cat Teacher Blog
Ipads in Education / Exploring the Use of Ipads and ebooks in schools and colleges
I had to add one more:
FreeTech4Teachers - Just put Ipad Apps in the search bar (search the site, not Google) and you will get a list of apps Richard Byrne has written about.
Any resources to add to my list?
FYI Inspiration Software announced last week that their iPad product will be available in March. You can register to be notified about it on their web site at